
Gt Yeldham Parish Councillor Vacancy

GREAT YELDHAM PARISH COUNCIL  PARISH COUNCILLOR VACANCY   The Parish Council is looking for a resident of Great Yeldham to be co-opted onto the Parish Council following a recent...

PLANNING APPLICATION ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL – Decommission of Churchfield Bridge and creation of a new access road to Churchfields via Church Road, together with footpath widening, swale and other ancillary works, at Land South of Great Yeldham Hall, Church Road, Great Yeldham, Essex, CO9 4PX – CC/BTE/62/24

PLANNING APPLICATION - ESSEX COUNTY COUNCIL TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 (as amended) Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended)...

Great Yeldham Prescription Collection Service

If you live in the Great Yeldham area and are a patient with Hedingham Medical Centre, you can, from Monday January 16th, collect your prescription from the Great Yeldham pop-up Post Office on Monday...